Sing Yin students won two prizes in the OSH Quiz Competition 2014

On 14 September 2014, Sing Yin students won the champion and the first runner up in the Occupational Safety & Health Quiz Competition 2014, which was run by the Occupational Safety & Health Council and the Labour Department.

  • The champion:         TSUI HO LAM, POON CHUNG TO, HUI KAM HEI
  • The first runner up:  FONG CHUN HIM, CHAN YIU CHUNG, LI MAN TO 


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Our two teams and other Sing Yin students.


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Dr. Alan Chan, JP, Vice-Chairman of OSHC presented the award to the champion team (From left to right: HUI KAM HEI, POON CHUNG TO, TSUI HO LAM).