學界中學校際越野比賽港島及九龍區第三組別(一區) Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Secondary Schools Inter School Cross Country Competition 2022-2023 Division3 (Area 1) 2022-11-11
公民鑽禧田徑錦標賽 (第一站) TCAA 75th Anniversary Athletics Championship (Station1) 2022-11-06
聖言中學水運會 Sing Yin Secondary School Swimming Gala 2022/2023 2022-10-17
中學校際游泳比賽第三組(九龍二區)男子組 Inter-school Swimming Competition Division Three (Kowloon Two) 2022-10-14
2022 屈臣氏田徑會周年大賽 WAC Annual Challenge 2022 2022-10-02
愉園體育會全港青少年田徑賽2022 Happy Valley Athletic Association Hong Kong Youth Athletic Meet 2022 2022-09-30
Oakley 香港青少年分齡錦標賽 Oakley Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Championships 2022 2022-09-11
香港學界中學田徑比賽 港島及九龍分區 (第二組別) Inter-school Athletics Competition 2021-2022 HK Island & Kowloon (Division2) 2022-06-09
2019學界跆拳道比賽Secondary School and Tertiary Institution TKD Competition 2019 2019-03-28
中學校際田徑比賽2018-2019 港島及九龍區 (第二組別) Inter School Athletic Competition 2018-2019 HK Island & Kowloon (Division 2) 2019-03-07
Samsung 第60屆體育節 - 第21屆學界足毽邀請賽暨工商盃 2017-05-07
Samsung 60th Festival of Sport -21st Interschool Shuttlecock Invitation Tournament cum Corporate Game 2017-05-07
香港學界游泳錦標賽第三組別九龍二區 2016-10-21
Inter-school Swimming Championships 2016/2017 Division Three (Kowloon Two) 2016-10-21
Our School Won the Over-All Fourth Place in Boys (Division Two) Inter-School Athletics Competition (HK Island and Kowloon) 2015-2016 2016-03-09
田徑隊再創佳績於學界第二組別田徑比賽中獲得男子甲組殿軍及男子全場第四名 2016-03-09
Sing Yin Shuttlecock Team won the 4th place in Hong Kong Shuttlecock League 2015 (Men’s Team Grade C) 2015-12-04
聖言足毽隊於香港足毽聯賽2015(男子丙組)榮獲殿軍。 2015-12-04
Sing Yin Shuttlecock Team won 7 awards in The 19th Interschool Shuttlecock Invitation Tournament cum Corporate Game 2015-07-18
聖言足鍵隊於Samsung第58屆體育節——第19屆學界足毽邀請賽暨工商盃勇奪七獎 2015-07-18